Alumni Association Update

July Work Weekend

Work weekend in July was a great success! We had about three dozen actives and alumni at the house – one of the largest groups that I can remember. In addition to the usual work – landscaping (trimming the hedges, adding mulch) and general cleaning, we focused on the first floor. The living room, foyer, dining room, and the Kappa Chapter Room (previously known as the card room) were all painted.

The KCR was initiated, with the hanging of composites and pledge paddles (we gathered up all the memorabilia we located in the house, which will now be kept in the KCR, and put on display what was in good condition.) Although many items have unfortunately been lost or have fallen into bad condition, we are happy to preserve what we have and are looking forward to accumulating the future history of Kappa.

Amazingly, the composite from 1957 was in fairly good condition (I am having my local frame store repair the frame, and I will bring the composite to Homecoming.) This was such a great find – since it includes our beloved Bear Koehler!  

Take a look at the photos here, and we look forward to seeing you at Homecoming!  

Martin Barbato, PSK
Alumni Association President