Phi Sigma Kappa at Penn State Through the Decades!

We are all part of Kappa but our time in the house was heavily influenced by the culture and music of our era, making our experience uniquely our own. Find your decade and take a walk down memory lane! If you have any flashback photos from your era, send them our way at [email protected].   In the years […]

Alumni Updates

Thanks to Brother Bob Withrow ’75 for responding to our recent alumni email survey! If you’d like to submit an update of your own for publication in an upcoming e-letter or a future edition of our alumni newsletter, email us your updates and photos at [email protected].   Bob Withrow ‘75 “My favorite place in State College […]

Phi Sigma Kappa National’s Statement on Racial Justice

“As allies, Phi Sigma Kappa stands alongside those who are grieving; thos who are suffering; and those who continue to advocate for change, including our brothers. Phi Sigma Kappa remains united against all acts and forms of racism, hatred, and violence.” As the nation continues to be rocked by protests in the wake of the deaths […]

Remembering Traditions

If there’s one thing we’re certain about in 2020, it’s that everything is uncertain. Just ask any corporate advertisement ever (watch this video for a laugh).  New announcements about fall at Penn State are coming out every day, and it seems like many of our favorite campus activities are being postponed, moved online, or even cancelled altogether. Many universities […]

Two Brothers featured on Podcast Episode

Brother Jeremy Frank ’97 interviews Brother Jason Babik ’96 in this podcast! Here is the podcast description: “What does #digitization and #sustainability mean for the energy industry? Check out the second episode of our Industrial Transformation podcast, with KCF’s CEO Jeremy Frank and guest Jason Babik, of Westinghouse Electric Corporation to learn more about what the future looks like for this sector of #powergeneration and how […]

Kappa Brothers Speak Up

In last month’s e-letter, we sent out a survey to our Kappa Alumni. Now, we’d like to share some of our favorite responses with you! If you want to answer these questions yourself, please CLICK HERE to take the survey. You may see your Kappa memories, photos or reflections published in a future newsletter or e-letter. We’d love to hear from all our Kappa Alumni! […]

Will You Snap Back from Social Distancing?

There was a day when we would relish the hour of freedom gifted by a canceled business lunch, soccer practice or board meeting. There was a day we couldn’t stand the idea of another birthday party. There was a day when lackadaisically responding (or not) to texts or calls from friends wasn’t a big deal, […]

A Reminder to All Kappa Alumni

Brothers, In February I reported on the strength of Kappa – about our dedicated and strong Alumni Board, our very successful 2019 Homecoming, and the opening of the Kappa Chapter History Room, just to name a few accomplishments.    Since that report, we celebrated Founder’s Day. Given the closure of the PSU campus due to […]

Alumni Update – Len Pasquini ’66

Brother Len Pasquini ’66 and his young bride celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on 2/28/20. In this picture, Len has his Penn State vest on with his Navy Dolphins pin. An Irish lassie with an Italian lad! Let’s wish them all congratulations and many happy returns!

“The Best Years of My Life”

In the midst of pandemics and job worries, family matters and just daily life in general, it’s easy to forget all that our Phi Sig experience gave us and still gives.  Leadership opportunities at the Kappa house, camaraderie with our fellow Kappa brothers, life-changing philanthropy projects and friendships that will last a lifetime — it’s a lot to be thankful for. […]