
Where in the World Are Phi Sigma Kappa Brothers?
Have you used our Kappa Chapter directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for

Thank you, Brothers
Thank you to the following brothers who have helped support Phi Sigma Kappa this past giving year. Your support helped us raise $13,414.27 towards our Annual Fund. Alumni support is at the heart of everything we do, and we can’t

Save the Date: Penn State Homecoming October 8-14
This year, Penn State homecoming is taking place October 8-14, and we want to see you there! Every year, alumni from all over flock back to State College for homecoming to see all of their old Penn State buddies, reminisce

Campaign projects completed over work weekend
The tradition of house work weekend continued this year as alumni representing multiple decades along with several of the Actives all convened in State College in early August to clean and prep the property for the Fall semester. In

Kappa Brothers love the Exclusive Campaign Gift!
Brothers Bob Romeiser (’81), Fred Decock (’80) and Kevin Courter (’80) pose with the exclusive campaign gift following a round of golf. Early supporters of the Damn Proud Campaign are raving about the special gift exclusively available to Brothers who

Celebrating 150 Years of Phi Sigma Kappa
This year, Phi Sigma Kappa celebrated 150 years since its founding on March 15, 1873, at the University of Massachusetts. The national Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity was founded based on the three cardinal principles: the Promotion of Brotherhood, the Stimulation