Save the Date! Penn State Homecoming is Just Around the Corner

This year, Penn State homecoming is taking place September 22-28, and we want to see you there!

Every year, alumni from all over flock back to State College for homecoming to see all of their old Penn State buddies, reminisce about the great times they shared together, and celebrate all of the things that make Penn State so special. 

Phi Sigma Kappa alumni are no exception, of course. For us Phi Sigma Kappa alumni, homecoming is a chance to get together with our brothers at our old stomping grounds and relive the glory days. This year we will be having a catered brunch on Sunday of Homecoming. The notice for this will be posted on the Phi Sigma Kappa Alumni website, along with the link to the annual Board meeting that we will be conducted. More details are to come, so stay tuned on the website as they will hit here first!  Nick will continue to handle catering, which may be working with Wegman’s rather than Nittany Caterers.  Matt will advise the Board on any tailgate information to be shared with alumni.

We hope to see you there!

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