This year, Penn State had more than 650 dancers participate in THON, the annual 46-hour-no-sitting-no sleeping-dance marathon which supports the fight against pediatric cancer. Over $13.7 million dollars were raised for the Four Diamonds Fund and we can gladly say that $42,500 of these dollars were raised by the hard work of the brothers at the Phi Sigma Kappa, Kappa Chapter. Together with our THON partner, Trilogy, we raised over $100,000 total! Throughout the year, the brothers participated in fundraising events like making cookies with our THON child and running a 5K. All of this work could not have been done without our two dancers Hayden Angello, Connor Kanto, and our THON chair team. Throughout the 46 hour dance marathon, our two dancers had the privilege of hanging out with THON children and even one of our THON families. It makes every second of those 46 hours worthwhile when able to see who you are really fighting for. Nothing helped our dancers more than to have the entire brotherhood standing side by side in the stands, supporting each of them, while fighting against pediatric cancer and contributing to the new Kappa Chapter record of $42,500 raised. I am proud to say that several seniors and younger members stayed at THON for over 40 hours to give our dancers moral support and prove that we truly care about this worthy cause.